Blog Description

The development of an artist, who seeks to make the world an inspiring and beautiful place through the gift of music.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Update - NEW SONG!

This song currently has the title of "Duh-duh" because I've not given it a more appropriate title yet. Much like the Beatles used to call the song "Yesterday" the name of "Scrambled Eggs" before they came up with the final lyrics.

Please keep in mind that the instruments you will hear are midi instruments and as such not always controllable in their sound. This is a short preview and I'll keep putting up more as I complete the piece. Please let me know your thoughts!

**** Song written and arranged by Amanda B. Kurylo. All rights reserved. *****

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Music Writing Tools and a... Vlog?

Drum roll please...

Without further ado, I bring you a new addition to this blog, and that would be a


Excited? I hope so. Today's blog will be about my favorite writing tools for the music. They include phone and computer apps, and I'm sort of a tech type who likes to play. 

So please, check out my youtube channel and enjoy the video. Let me know your thoughts and enjoy! 

A word of wisdom for today:
"When you get tired learn to rest, not to quit."

Keep Moving FORWARD!!!
