"Just one more note, mommy?"
"No dear, you'll spoil your score."
"But I really need to put in this idea before I forget."
"Put the mouse down before I paddle your bottom!"
"Yes, mommy dearest."
So, today, I was wrestling with a score that's in 4/4 and then switches to 6/8 - back and forth. The rhythms are delicate and it has to fit. It was kind of like this:
There, there Sherlock.
(you over-dramatic sissy)
It actually was pretty challenging to make things fit. Finally, I figured it out though. But not without loss of gains I made in the diet department... Yep, when I'm concentrating, I tend to stuff my face!
ANYWAY, I leaped the hurdle after working on it all morning and then my brain told me to stop. So, since I've painted myself into many corners, I now listen and would like to share with you my hard won wisdom on such matters.
When is it time to stop working?
- When you've made a huge breakthrough and you just want to finish.
I get it, you've just GOT get to the end, because it's the most important thing you've ever done and you want the world to know that you've got talent and it's an amazing piece and won't your friends be impressed and happy they know you and someone will put your name in for the Nobel Prize or a Grammy or something and then the WHOLE WORLD WILL KNOW YOUR NAME!!!!!...
Stop. Breathe. Step away from the desk. Seriously, at this point you may be losing touch with what your piece is about to begin with and you need to walk away and get your bearings. - When you're in an environment that won't allow you to concentrate.
We've all been there. You've got the best idea and there's all this noise around you and it's getting to be crazy, but you need to work!
Here's what you do: Grab your phone. Use it's recording app to get the idea down as much as you can. Don't worry about background noise, if you're close to the mic it won't matter. Don't worry about people staring, this is important and they can go fly a kite. Later, you can revisit the recording and the idea will pop back into your mind fresh as a daisy! - When it's beyond your expertise.
Back to the drawing board. It can happen. You don't have enough knowledge to do what you need to. Reference what you need to or put the project aside until you've acquired the knowledge you need to complete it correctly. Otherwise, you'll just wind up frustrating yourself and end up bitter.
- When you're no longer being productive.
If you've been working and notice you're beginning to be distracted by Facebook or bills you need to pay, get it out of your system or buckle down to do the job. If you find you can't concentrate no matter what, it may not be a good time to work. Your mind may be sifting through a problem or working out the details in the subconscious. Walk away for now, but Don't Stay Away too Long! Take a walk, clear your head, come back later in the day or start fresh the next morning.
- When you could be spending time with loved ones.
We sometimes get so wrapped up in our work that we neglect our kids and family. That time is precious and we can never get it back. So, jot down your ideas quickly and then go have some fun with them.
I mean, let's face it, if you can't torture your family,
you're not living to your full potential anyway.
Hey, I hope you got some good stuff here. And I hope you know just how much the world needs your art... Your unique, one of a kind, only you can make art. It will change someone's life for the better. I believe in you!
Whatever you make, make it great!