Yes! I'm hooked. Thanks to netflix, I am able to watch Peter Falk portray that iconic character as I practice my bass runs. Because let's face it, my brain doesn't have to totally be switched on the practice the licks. It's more muscle memory than anything.
So, I sit at my piano and watch an episode (about 1hour and 15 mins in length) and work on runs with my getting-more-flexible-by-the-day left hand.
Some of you may say, "Yes, well, that's all very fine and good, but what about your Jazz Theory? Are you keeping up with that?"
Put your minds at ease. Yes, I continue to study. This morning it was 6:40am when I found myself reading about the finer points of the craft. I truly feel like I'm gaining some great knowledge with the book and by finding helpful friends who post to Youtube.
Like this guy, who is teaching about Approach Tones:
He's a bit long winded, but give him a break - he's very thorough. For the newbies, that's a good thing!
Alright, so now you know my secret: Columbo. When I finish with that series it will probably be something else. And with tastes as eclectic as mine, who knows what it could be!
**** Just a side note: If you focus on the obstacle in front of you, you'll never see the way around or through it. Focus on what you can do, not what you can't. That will come in time, and with a sledge hammer. *****