Blog Description

The development of an artist, who seeks to make the world an inspiring and beautiful place through the gift of music.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Disciplining Hands

I've been playing around with my bass notes, like I promised.

It's proving to be more challenging though. My left hand seems to think it's just fine the way it is, thank you very much, and would like me to stop exercising it by doing boring bass runs.

"Fine!" I said, "Then you guys will like this... How about playing the melody in the left hand and the chords in the right?! Take that, ya obnoxious little twerp."

So, I wasted no time in putting my left hand to work, and you know what? It actually did a pretty decent job!

However, then my right hand started whining. "What is this? You can't just make me play chords! You'll be hearing from my union. I strictly play melody lines and fills!"

Ugh... They're so temperamental.

I'm confident though, that this shift in dynamic and responsibilities will be good for them. Though my left hand is aching and my right hand is sad, they will be better for this.