Blog Description

The development of an artist, who seeks to make the world an inspiring and beautiful place through the gift of music.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Scales and Modes and Stuff

Please keep in mind, I'm still a musician who plays in bands and has to rehearse for upcoming events and the like. As such, I have to also make time for that, plus I homeschool my kids, and just for fun, I cut myself with a garden shears last night pretty deeply.... So much fun! So here's a picture of my owie.

But, I still find time to further my education. below is a sheet I worked on last night. You can find it here on

Becoming a better musician is certainly hard work. So, you can imagine how much it burns my cookies when people equate being a musician with being free or cheap entertainment. Art takes work. Yes, it's a labor of love, but it also costs musicians a lot of time, money, and energy... Just as much as any profession. And yes, it is a real profession. 

What would any of us do with no more radio, iTunes, Spotify, clubs, mp3's, or the like? If all of everyone's CD's, mp3's, movies, and TV were just gone and couldn't be replaced, what would we do? People would freak out! Without our music, we practically lose our identities! The value of live music and entertainers would skyrocket. People would be going out all the time searching for the beauty that was stripped from their lives. 

You see my point, right? We need music and the people who create this art proficiently aren't as common as we think. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of people who can copy art. But there are few Rembrandts, few DaVinci's, few Motzarts, few... well, you get it. 

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox.

Anyway, I love this life. I love music. Even with a bad thumb, it's worth it.