Remember yesterday? When I talked about being Mozart or Rembrandt? Well, I wasn't talking about me... Not yet anyway. I'm in process. Transition. Becoming. Still in the chrysalis. Hoping I will become the butterfly. I've been in here for so long that it's where I'm most comfortable. But, I know, eventually, I will have to break free.
So, here I am, preparing to exit. This is going to take a lot of effort and some time. I'm just stretching at the moment, so whatever I present to you here is just stretching inside the cocoon, not cracking the shell.
I've been working on my exercises and trying to write a score. I know it's not there yet, but I thought I'd let you take a listen to my first attempt.
The sheet music is just a plain, jane quick run through of everything. At the moment, I'm not using 11th's or 13th's and I'm trying to figure out what's best to write first: the piano part or the individual parts. I think the melody line and then the piano with chord voicing so that I know what to put into the individual parts, but I did it backwards this time. It will take me a bit to do it correctly.
There's more to it than ya think!