Blog Description

The development of an artist, who seeks to make the world an inspiring and beautiful place through the gift of music.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Making Music

Remember yesterday? When I talked about being Mozart or Rembrandt? Well, I wasn't talking about me... Not yet anyway. I'm in process. Transition. Becoming. Still in the chrysalis. Hoping I will become the butterfly. I've been in here for so long that it's where I'm most comfortable. But, I know, eventually, I will have to break free.

So, here I am, preparing to exit. This is going to take a lot of effort and some time. I'm just stretching at the moment, so whatever I present to you here is just stretching inside the cocoon, not cracking the shell.

I've been working on my exercises and trying to write a score. I know it's not there yet, but I thought I'd let you take a listen to my first attempt.

The sheet music is just a plain, jane quick run through of everything. At the moment, I'm not using 11th's or 13th's and I'm trying to figure out what's best to write first: the piano part or the individual parts. I think the melody line and then the piano with chord voicing so that I know what to put into the individual parts, but I did it backwards this time. It will take me a bit to do it correctly.

There's more to it than ya think!